This morning when I went for my jog, I ran across a possum! it was around 9am (late start) and I was maybe 20 feet away from it, when It came out onto the sidewalk and paused. I stared at it, very surprised to see one out so late in the day, and so close to me. I went to get a picture of it on my phone, but by then it had already started running away from me, in the funny little waddle possums do. I jogged after it, as we were going the same way, until my turn came.
Then again, another close animal encounter a bit later, I jogged right past what I assume was a feral cat, sitting a few inches from the concrete walkway. It wasn't until I slowed my job and looked down at it, surprised that it had let me get within a foot of it, that it suddenly spun it's head around to look at me with mild alarm. However, I kept on jogging, and it went back to it's thing. It was still there when I came back a minute later, retracing my path.
What does it mean? If it's a sign, what is the sign? I know with the possum right before I saw it I was thinking with a bit of frustration at the spiritual organization that exists around Sai Baba, how some people keep splitting up the organization, doing weird things now that he's gone. It's frustrating to see what I judge as childish behavior, damaging the unity of something I've found value in. But that's me getting caught up in my own ego. Got to remind myself it's all part of the plan, just not my plan.
Continuing to pack! I'm so grateful to have the time to actually pack! I didn't have that last time, and the weight fell all on Suzannah. But now I'm at least taking care of my own stuff. It's going very slowly, even as I try and go quickly, but it is getting done, and it's nice to see the progress. I don't think I'll have any spare time for any of the other things I want to do, but I may have enough time to get the packing done on time, without crazy panic packing.
And now, back to it.
With Love,
I -Out