Walking along the street, seeing this sign, and immediately knowing it was put up because someone did just what the sign says not to do. Imagining them as a serious businessman, walking while texting on his phone, suddenly smashing into the door with a loud but not painful rattling wump sound, then trying desperately to look dignified afterwards like a cat who has just failed an easy jump:
And after the sign is put up, when someone else smashes into the door, and then sees the sign, what emotions and thoughts are running through their head? And can the bystanders who saw it and then got close enough to read the sign contain their morally inappropriate but overwhelming urge to laugh?
Business update: very busy and productive. And tired. Speaking of lack of awareness, was on a bus, five feet from two good friends, and didn't notice for several minutes, till they called my name, twice, and waved to me. I'm glad I'm not in feudal Japan or I would have been required to commit seppuku for bringing shame on my teacher of awareness. In my defense it was a long uncomfortable trip and I was trying to ignore most of the sensory input that was coming to me as it was smelly, ugly, cramped and painful. I will do better next time sensei. Yosh!*
* "Yosh" being a Japanese word that means "OK!", in this case, as an exclamation you might use after rolling up your sleeves, before trying a second time to lift something heavy.
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