Random happenings in my life:
I think I figured out where the mysterious cow thigh bone is from. (see this post if you don't know what I'm talking about.) Apparently one of my housemates had a classmate who had gotten the bone (I think someone gave it to them randomly/anonymously) so he must have dropped it off at the house, to pass on the weirdness. Much appreciated, I always like strange things happening in my day. I recently read novelty is scientifically shown to increase knowledge retention and motivation, so there you go.
In other news, as I was going for my morning jog through the cemetery I came across a lady's slipper. Lambskin with the fuzzy wool on the inside, dark brown, with a purple ribbon on it. lieing on the side of the path/road that went through the cemetery. Just one. Small. Either belonging to an adolescent or a small adult. More mysteries. Felt a little like a David Lynch movie.
I'm thinking about where I want to be, once I graduate. I've been on a long journey of learning, and though there is more to come, I feel like I'm about ready to find a home base and settle down. But where? I'm torn between Fairfield Iowa, where there is the highest concentration of very good long term friends, but little nature. New York, which has no nature, disgusting smells, too many people, and is just generally difficult, dirty, and depressing, BUT has another group of super awesome, high achieving, spiritually active friends. Where I am right now, which has beautiful nature, a nice community, but no friends. And some new mystery fantasy place where all my best friends are going to move to, surrounded by gorgeous nature and an awesome community.
The last option is just a fantasy, for now, and may never actually exist. And there are additional factors that I haven't even weighed in, like job availability and pay, and where my partner wants to live, if I end up with a life partner.
Probably the next step will become clear when it's time to take it, as it always has, so I'm not wasting too many brain cells on it. But it is on my mind. Mainly as I assess the area I'm in now and how it fits the criteria.
OK, definitely time to go. So much to do!
Much love, dear friends. If you happen to have found my magical fantasy location, let me know.
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