Graduate school hasn't even started back up yet. This is just my internship. Total overwhelm. I think I'm not communicating this well to my supporting teacher. I feel kind of sheepish about it. Like I shouldn't be overwhelmed. Like other people would be ok.
I'm aware that this is probably not true. That this is a case of me being hyper self-critical.
I think I need to take a deep breath and allow myself to be really bad at this for now. Nothing more can be expected.
I don't have "homework" yet, but I have LOTS of stuff that I have to do because of life, the internship, taxes etc. And I have MOUNTAINS of self-assigned homework. The stuff I think I need to do to improve myself in all the areas I find myself lacking. I want to do it all at once.
I think once again, I need to take a deep breath and allow myself to be bad, for a while.
I feel more disciplined than ever before, and it's doing nothing make me feel more comfortable. If anything, it creates even more work for me, because I know I'm capable of that additional work, and so I must do it. Moral imperative.
I must sleep now.

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