Science says for every hour of TV you watch after the age of 25, you shorten your total life expectancy by about 20 minutes. So 6 hours of TV a day, on average, means dying about 5 years earlier, statistically speaking.
Also, in John Hattie's synthesis of over 1,000 metastudies (each of which looked at lots (hundreds) of single studies) of the factors that influence learning, he found that almost everything had some degree of positive effect, or at least was neutral. It was extremely difficult to find things that actually had observable negative effects. But one of the few things that did, was watching television.
Yesterday, June 12th, at night, walking through the scenic graveyard, I saw my first fireflies of the year. And got chased off by the mosquito's, who are out in great number with boundless thirst.

Today, it poured for a few minutes while my car windows were down. The resultant smell in the parking lot, from the rain hitting the baking pavement, reminded me of playing with water and hoses around the house, during summer, at my first house.
It feels like summer has arrived.
"The Platonic Solids"
-Good Nerdcore band name.
Amazing real last name: "Fabrizio"
This is the name of a superhero who's power involves Fabreeze. Or just a character who is really clean smelling.
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