Sunday, February 11, 2018

I’m off to see the wizard. Nadi leaf chronicals climax coming...soon. Voting results... not yet tabulated. Ellipses...excellent.

Well, I’m off to a Tom Brown Jr. course for the week. This is kind of the last chance to write one of these, and it’s really going to be short because I’m literally taking my last few bags out to the car, locking up, and driving away after this post.

I’ve been packing like crazy, and then cleaning up my boxes and such so my parents can use the basement. I got one day of KonMari tidying in, went through the whole category of clothes, and it was glorious, and didn’t really take that long. I am so looking forward to finishing that up with all the categories, now that I finally have just about all my stuff in one place. Well, except for all the books in Fairfield. Maybe I can do something about that when I get there...

In any case, lots to talk about, and I have time for none of it in detail. In brief: I’ve been tracking where I spend my time, and that has been fun, and somewhat informative, though I need to go over my time logs in more depth. I’ve been really rocking it with my morning routine, added one or two things, and it’s fantastic. Makes me feel like an absolute champ. And I’m slowly working through all my papers on extension. I’ve got one more and then I can get my teacher certification, and then at any point I can send in another teeny one that does nothing for my grades or anything else, but I will certainly do it, because I said I would. But it’s not urgent. And it will take two mornings, tops, likely only one morning.

I finally found my Nadi Leaf. Maybe. I’ve written an entire unpublished blog post about that, and the Gray zone uncertainty abut it. Again long story short: in a few weeks, the guy is going to read the translation he got from the leaf to me. It is still possible that it is real, and that it is somewhat of a cold read. We will see how he does with the family particulars, but frankly at this point I’m not expecting miracles. From him, at least. I certainly have come to understand miracles are a very real thing. Oh my yes.

OK, I’ll see you in a week likely. I didn’t receive any emails informing me that people had cast votes for the next blog post subject, but perhaps those notifications have just been turned off. If I got greater than zero votes, I will at some point soon do a blog post expanding on whatever got the most votes, but it will have to wait till I have time to do that. As it is, I’m running a half-hour past when I planned to leave.

Good luck, good love, safe travels if your on the move, and stay safe, moving or no.

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