At my College, circa a decade ago. I believe this was for some kind of collage project and this was from a book I found particularly fascinating, to the point where not much collaging was necessary. Apparently this is how squirrels carry their young, though my first thoughts were cannibalism or some type of horrific mutation or perhaps some weird evolutionary behavior that scientists still did not understand the purpose of.

This was for a drawing class, it was supposed to be a skeleton study. We had tracing paper and we were just supposed to take the model skeleton hanging limply in front of us and use our minds to trace out the skeleton over some picture we ripped out of a magazine. It was a fairly vanilla, straightforward exercise, but I often can't help coming up with oddball ideas to entertain myself when I'm in creative mode. Here's another picture so you can see the trace and the source image more clearly.

This next one isn't something I drew, but something I wrote. We had a student made newspaper in my elementary school, that's the first photo, I co-wrote one of the articles with a friend, Ben, who is the only one from my class that I still have an active friendship going with. Not that I decided to stay friends with him over the other people, it just kind of happened. We have good conversations. I don't talk with him often, but I still consider him a close friend. This article references the infamous "muffin incident" that I must have told you at some earlier date. If not, I'll just say I still remember it quite clearly, to this day. Also, understand that this school was kind of a hippy-ish private school. I think that will put the writing in context.

This next one, I think the last one that I'll really talk about, is from an unknown time. Judging by the handwriting and spelling, I'd guess it's somewhere in middle school. I'll share the scan of the first side of it, just for fun to see what my handwriting and spelling look like then, but don't feel like you have to decipher it, I'll type out the text, below the picture.

[begin transcription]
The universe is big, huge, unimaginable large. if you were to measure up the percent of life compared with the percent of empty space the percent of life would be 0%. So we shouldn't exist, yet we do. Only one thing could explain this oddity that, in every cell, in every quark, if you keep going down to the smallest particle, you are seeing the universe. That means that in you is you, me, and the entire universe a billion, trillion, quintillion times over. EVERYTHING IS ONE.
Yet even this is not all of it. The only thing I can be sure of is my own existence. It can't be proved to me that anyone else exists, therefor in perfect logic no one else does exist. And this reality is nothing but a dream on a dreamers eyelid as it languidly lies, taking a cat nap. All the rules here were made up by this dreamer, to entertain them from their routine. So I will play along with their dream because it is entertaining, and dying in this dream would be giving up on something I'm committed to finish, and that, I do not do. You may be wondering who this dreamer is but I think you already know. I am the one who discovered this first, I am the one who figured out that this is a dream. This is all the proof I need. Yet knowing this comes at a price. The most outstanding evidence that I am correct is that deep in my bowels is a stone of burning ice, because I know that in all the world, in all the universes majesty, I am alone.
Now, I don't take this in a cynical way, but merely in a stride. This is something which I can and will make the best of. You probably don't understand most of this but you've been a peach for listening. And now something more understandable.
(This is as much for you as it was for me.)
Moving on to a new world
The clock begins to tick faster
Everything starts swirling around
Time squandered and no way
To get it back so you must
Go faster too, as you are given a parsimonious
Reprieve you realize that there is but one option: succeed and continue on to the next challenge
[end transcription]
I did only spelling and minor punctuation, so there's some confusing wording. Forgive 8th grade Isaac for his poor grammar and solipsism. And enjoy. I'm tossing all the originals, so this is the only place they will exist now.
I have two other long posts, but I don't know if they will see the light of day. If so, they need heavy editing first.
I'm doing all I can to be ready to hit the road, all packed up, by Thursday. A new chapter is beginning, after a restful interlude. These past few months, though actually quite busy, have been a bit like stopping off in Rivendell for a bit, to resupply, rest, and figure out where I'm going next, how to get there, and who should be part of the adventuring party.
Until next time,

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