I already did my post for the week, but it feels weird not doing one closer to Sunday. The power of good habits, I suppose. So a bit more updates:
I had a dream in the morning hours, on Sunday, that was so moving it made be bawl like a baby. It's a bit long so I'll have to save it for later.
I'm sick as a dog, but not quite sick enough to stay home from work. Just sneezing and blowing my nose all the time and tired and have to be careful what I eat. But I spent Sunday just resting and being sick, so I didn't get any personal stuff done this weekend (because Saturday was all teacher trainings: trainings for my job, and trainings for my volunteer teaching that I do Sundays (thankfully we didn't have class this Sunday, I think the training was instead of class.)
So now I'm behind on taxes, but not in any desperate way. I will just have to go on extension. Too much work right now to explain why.
Spring break is coming up soon. I will be working during that too, traveling to do a school observation for my Montessori AMI training, but hopefully it it will be somewhat break-like, as my job will be much simpler and less responsibility than my normal job. Just taking copious notes. And hopefully I'll get a chance in the evenings to work on some other Montessori homework, if I've got the energy and space to do so.
It's -19 right now, with windchill, so school is a delayed start, so maybe I'll get to take a little nap before I head out. Trying to get as much rest as I can so I can get over this bug.
It's normal when I'm sick, but even in general, I've gotten a bit off my routine. Not totally, but I've been getting up a bit later, more like 6 am, and doing shortened versions of most of my things, meditation, yoga, etc. At least I'm maintaining the habit somewhat, even a few minutes is way better than nothing, because it keeps the habit strong, but I am trying to get back to an earlier bed-time and thus earlier rise-time and thus more time for the stuff I love. When I started my routine, I just got up at the same time no matter what, but with my current job, doing that is rough. Getting enough rest has a protective influence against stress, and being a first year primary teacher is stressful, with all the new things being learned, mistakes being made, new responsibilities, energy expenditure, physical and mental and emotional.
Even so, the good news is that it is slowly getting better. At the very beginning of the year, I was so exhausted I didn't have time for anything else in my life, I just totally collapsed during the weekends, now I'm getting stuff done during some of the weekend, and even a bit during the evenings.
I read that we're working more hours now than we ever were in the past, and I kind of resent it. It's become the norm, like it's expected, but just because something is the norm, doesn't mean it's healthy or a good idea. I want more time/energy in my life for family and friends and my own hobbies and interests. I think the whole "work super hard and neglect those things and it makes you a good person" is an insidious idea, probably supported by the few super rich people who make disgusting amounts of money on the backs of the hardworking lower-class. I think working hard is admirable, but our time should be balanced between work, physical activity, play, family, spirituality. All work no play makes Jack a dull boy, and all that.
Hopefully the intensity continues to ramp-down so the other elements of my life can have more breathing room. Likely, at least once I finish my AMI training, I'll have a lot more breathing room. Until then, I've just got to enjoy the intense training I'm getting at how to work super hard for an extended period of time. It's probably good for me. Balance is best, but a bit too much work is better than too little, and this is teaching me by necessity to manage my time and energy carefully.
Bye for now, have a good week, my anonymous tea-buddies (and the few friends and family who I know read this)
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