I've decided my life is going to be awesome. I am just straight up going to do all the things that are necessary to make my life blazingly alive.
This starts with a simple question:
Right now, this second, what is the best thing I could be doing?
And then I continue to ask myself that question, over and over again throughout the day.
It sounds good doesn't it?
I am vibrating with excitement.
Why? Because I’m confident I can do it. I have faith in my teachers, and myself. I have learned the secret to being unstoppable, and I’m finally implementing it.
Roger bravo, enact plan Alpha: living my dreams.
If I don't know where to start, then I need to figure out where to start. That's step one. I've already got that pretty much taken care of. Where I need to start is figuring out what I want. The things I want to do, be, have. These things may change. that's fine. But I need my best current guess, to get started.
My things (subject to change without notice, but have remained fundamentally unchanged for a while):
-Achieve the ultimate spiritual goal of Life
-Live in a spiritual, nature-centric community where I can grow my own food and other necessities. Somewhere I can commune with, play in, and learn from nature. Somewhere I can walk next door and spend time with other people interested in the same kind of things. Somewhere I can raise a family in a supportive environment.
-Working with a small group of friends in a nice environment (I'm thinking home office) on something creative and of benefit to the world. Involving teaching (especially personal growth) and writing. (and probably art of other sorts as well).
-Helping people open their hearts and light the fire of inspiration and love in them, and live a great life.

There are some smaller ones as well. I want to become a herbalist. I want to develop superpowers. I want to explore and understand the mechanics of how the universe works. I want to work with stories. I want to support myself comfortably doing what I love.
But before I even finish with getting totally specific and clear with that, there are other things to do: planning out my spiritual exercise regime. Working on being in constant contact with my True Self. Creating a daily routine that charges and aims me like an arrow pulled back in the bow ready to strike the target. I’m already meditating, communing with nature every day, journaling about new ideas and solutions, taking some time to visualize and feel what I want in my life and in myself. Now it’s a matter of refining that process. Making it more and more effective.
Second, I need to get a grip on my productivity. I already did the whole wake up super-early and do a great morning routine for 30 days straight a-la The Miracle Morning. And am still doing it. Will do it forever, since it makes my day so much better. However, I’ve noticed my morning is incredible but then the rest of my day gets progressively saggier. I want it prim and bountiful like my mornings. So I've embarked on a journey to organize my time and energy effectively. I'm getting better at habit forming, so I should be able to implement all the good advice I find.
Do you know how totally impossible any of that would have been for me, two years ago? Two months ago? It makes me cackle like a mad scientist dancing around his reanimated corpse-creation.
“They thought I was mad! They thought I’d never be able to do it! But I showed them! I showed them aaaaaaallllll!” (Cue dramatic lightning and thunder)
To be precise, my friends and family have been very supportive of me from the beginning, and the derisive “They” were all voices in my head. Regardless, I have showed “Them” that they are all fools, fools!
I knew that if I could just get a grip on myself and my own behavior, to the point where I could start consciously entering new, good habits and deleting old bad ones, I would be unstoppable, because I had so many good habits to implement. The giant problem was I just couldn’t get myself to consistently implement any of it. Well, now I can! MWAhahahaha!
I need to give credit where credit is due. First, to the great benevolent intelligence of the universe. Second to all the incredible teachers I’ve encountered, flesh and blood, book and otherwise. And finally to the much more concrete relationship I’ve finally established with that great benevolent intelligence via the help of those teachers. That Divinity is the single most powerful transforming quality in my life and everything else has been possible because of it.
(In case you’re curious about how that’s come strongly into my life: that Light has been accessible to me to the extent I’ve been able to trust in it and to the extent I’ve listened to and followed the dictates of my own inner sense of right and good. And that has been a slow, steady, compounding process. I decide to trust in it a little, to follow my inner sense of rightness a little, and my life gets better. So I trust a little more, and my life gets even better. Etc. And it increases like an exponent. Like doubling pennies.)
I am now bound to succeed! Because I cannot fail. I’ve learned the secret to NEVER FAILING! If I ‘fail’, I just turn to the nagging, depressed voice in my head saying,
“I want to give up. I suck. See, I’ll never succeed. People hate me now.” and I say,
"Hey, I love ya, but that's not helping at all. Do you want to have all this awesome stuff we both want? Then root for me, and let's learn from what went wrong and figure out how to do better next time.” And the voice replys,
"Well, I'd really rather rip you apart, but I guess I do want all that good stuff, so I'll stop, I guess. For now."
Every failure just makes me stronger. I’m like the Replicators in Stargate or the Borg in Star Trek. I have become the terminator. I am unstoppable. Your clothes. Give them to me.
This begs one important question from me:
“Isaac, it sounds like you’re just turning into a productivity robot. You have no free will, you just take inputs and carry them out. You’ll turn into an emotionless joyless mettle productivity machine.” To which I say,
“That is so much better than what I have been, ergo a blob of Jabba-the-Hut-likespinelesss flesh merely consuming whatever sensory delights were within easy groping distance of my bloated and immobile form while squirming away from anything unpleasant. I may be a robot, but I will be the most kick butt, awesome, helpful robot you’ve ever seen!”
But I won’t become a robot. All of this habit forming and discipline is for the sake of love and love alone. That is my compass. I’m just acquiring better tools to go where it’s pointing.
All this is not really new news. I've just stepped up my level of clarity on how to accomplish it.
Here's to the journey!

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