Throwing out old toiletries the fun way: squeezing them out of their tubes into the garbage. 5-year-old Sunscreen, 7-year-old-sunscreen, and aloe vera gel.

I do a meditation in the mornings where I focus on the flame of a candle, so I've been working my way through my supply. I recently found some candles from my early childhood while cleaning up at my parent's house, so I thought I'd use them. The one I'm currently using is a wizard. He started off with a tall pointy hat, but that burned down quickly. Once it got to the point where the flame was where his head had been, I thought it was nicely symbolic, so I took some pictures.
This one is cool because there is a part of the meditation where I move the candle flame to the center of my head. To fill my mind with light, and empty it of thoughts. Wouldn't it be nice our minds were like a candle flame in a windless place: still and undisturbed, yet illuminating all around it. No wonder he's a wizard.
Sometimes from the depths of that silence, inspiration strikes!

And with enough practice of this Jyoti (light) meditation, one's mind becomes as subtle as the emptiness from which all things are born. The hollow center of the mustard seed. The nothingness of the zero-point field. The emptiness within Krishna's flute. The silence from which the entire universe emanates.

The hole in the donut that makes it so tasty.
Hoping for this outcome, as well as wizard powers, I continue to practice the Jyoti meditation every day, early in the morning, while it is still dark and the rest of the world is sleeping comfortably in their beds.
Flowers are blooming all around my parent's house. And even around my apartment in Queens. When was the last time you've really looked at a flower? Really looked at it, up close and personal. It is a sculpture of incredible beauty, sensuality, and subtlety, combining visual aesthetics, pleasing kinesthetics, and subtle, intoxicating smells.
Rarely have I seen a manmade creation begin to approach the luxuriant subtlety, complexity, and detail of these naturally occurring multi-sensory ever-changing art installations.
So I suppose this is just a tribute to the freely given riches of nature we are surrounded by, every day. The only cost of admission is the willingness to look with the eyes of wonder.
And no, I'm not on drugs. Just the natural high of appreciation.
Much love to you all. I'm still focusing on productivity hard-core, but I don't want to bore you, so I thought I'd mix it up a little bit. And my own inner voice of wisdom is telling me I'm getting a bit too rigid and intellectual with all that. Too much cold mind, not enough warm heart. So, today, pretty pictures.
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