I hear it's the soul of wit ;)
-(I should probably stop there to really that point)-
This weekend, I'm traveling to honor and celebrate someone worth honoring. The person I mentioned from last week. I had a dream about her Wednesday night. She was dancing, looking like she had before the illness. Then me and my old improv dance group were dancing to honor her. It was heartfelt, but also a little bit uncomfortable, a little self conscious. And the strangest thing was I had an incredibly strong sense that I'd had this dream before. It reminded me of the last funeral of a dear friend I'd gone to. Who was member of that dance troupe. And me and one other person did dance there in honor of her.
I guess that's the brain linking, making associations. The final odd thing was, the dance was happening in my room. My original room. The first room I ever lived in, my childhood house. Perhaps because this friend is one of the earliest friends I ever made, that stayed friends. We were friends back then, when I was only... ten? I think it might have been ten years old.
When I met her, I had been told by my parents that she was born the 20th of May. This was important to me, because I was born the 21st of May, on the same year. So the first thing I said to her was, "did you know I'm one day older than you?" with some pride.
She then proceeded to teach me how, mathematically, she was the older one.
At some point one of us decided that since we were a day apart, we were twins. Though as I got older, I would joke that we were twins like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito were twins in the movie.

The parallels were striking: she was blond, tall, from somewhere Norse, smart, disciplined, attractive, positive, good at sports. I was... well, the comedic foil.
Anyways, I mention time for a few reasons: the passing of friends makes me acutly aware of the passing of time.
I also have an intense course load I'm preparing for.
I mentioned brevity at the beginning, because I need to learn it, if I'm going to keep up. I need the discipline to say, "I'm only spending one hour on this. Then I'm done, even if it's not as thorough as I'd like."
This is extremely challenging for me. It's like trying to cut out sugar. I like to write. It helps me think. It calms me.
But I vehemently need to adhere to a haiku-like simplicity, to have any chance of staying up to date with my work, and getting enough rest. This is great practice for life and teaching. But it is a disused skill. I've done it quiet effectively with creative subjects, but not so much with academic ones. All the same, now, I must. Sink or swim! But my teacher is super awesome, so I don't think he'll just leave me to sink if I start thrashing.
Oh, by the way, I'm writing this Thursday and scheduling it for Saturday, since I'm not going to have much time this weekend. So if something big happens between now and then, that might be why it's not in the post.
With much love you to all, my dear friends and family. You are precious to me.
Time is precious.
Don't waste a moment.
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