Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ramana Maharishi, Quote, Awarness-fluid.

"If everything is important, than nothing is important."

this is an Isaac-ism that I've had for a while. It refers to the fact that if you have, say, 10 habits that you want to establish, you won't have the energy or time to establish even one of them, whereas if there is just one your working on, you've got a good chance of eventually getting it set.

If you have a room cluttered with objects, the important one's get lost in the mass, and you don't notice them, and so they don't get utilized enough.

If you're trying to practice twenty self-improvement techniques, then you end up learning none of them. Etc. It applies in a lot of different fields. If you give your employees a huge mound of tasks to do, saying they are all top priority, then none of them get done as top priority. I've heard the term, "addition by subtraction" and it's a bit similar. It's like you get one cup of attention fluid (I think of it as clear, but a bit more clingy than water, like quicksilver, maybe a bit syrupy, and slightly iridescent, like soap bubbles) and if you're trying to do a million things, each of them is a cup that just gets a tiny bit of the attention liquid. And... I don't know, I'm stretching this analogy, but maybe it's more like a bunch of plants, and they need attention-water to grow, and if each plant gets a few drops, they all die or at least wither. You need to choose a few important ones, and make sure they get enough. then if there's any left over, you can decide where it goes.

Anyhoo, that's what I was thinking about today.

Also mulling around the idea of making writing/creating a more regular habit (which would mean, a shorter habit.) but this concept is giving me pause, before I add yet another habit to nurture. Right now I'm quite busy with my getting lots of school work done habit, and one more spiritual habit, that would require a post of it's own. I'll give the sneak peak by referring to a great Indian saint named Ramana Maharishi, and one of the things he gave most importance to, which was the question, "Who am I?" for me, that takes me to really powerful place, not even intellectually, but a direct experience, and so I find it extremely potent. That's my one thing, spiritually speaking, right now (that I'm adding. I have a few things already established as a habit, that get to run on auto-pilot.)

OK, I think I'm done for today? Oh, I'll try and give a few bullet points of general life stuff:
- practice written and spoken exams coming up along with the submission of my first album (subjects are broken up into three ring binders and submitted once we get all the presentations)
- so I'm working on preparing for that
- I realized that one of the must useful things I've been doing to help motivate myself to get things done on time or early, is making a checklist of all my assignments. It feels really good, getting to check them each off, and I can record how long they take, to continue to hone my methods
- the method I've tried out, has been super effective. Along with setting aside some hour+ chunks of time each day to get some work done over the week, it's resulted in a much more manageable workload over the weekend. Which is good, since I've got a bunch of extra things to do now, like organizing and printing out my album (and doing some hand numbering of the pages, unfortunately)
- relationship with my girlfriend just continues to grow and deepen. It's hard to think about it as a new relationship, as we've sunk to such a deep level of comfort and intimacy so quickly. It is a shining star in my life and gives me the emotional support to keep plugging away relentlessly at the homework

OK! Done for the week, unless I start doing more frequent, super short things. (seems unlikely, so dont' get your hopes up.

Photo by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash
awareness fluid ;-)

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