Saturday, January 18, 2025

Definition: Felt-sense navigation and self analysis. En-Theos.

 I started talking about this two posts ago, defined it in last post, but figured I should create a post that just gives it some definition in case people are wondering about this term I just made up. To start with, for the longer explanation, just go to this previous blog post:

If you want a quicker summary:

First off, this long, unwieldy phrase, which I'm already shortening to "felt-sense navigation" doesn't, I think, really capture the essence of what I'm talking about, and that is kind of related to the thing itself, which is operating in a realm mental mode different than our normal, verbal sequential logical mode that western culture sometimes thinks is the only valid mode. I've heard left-brain vs. right-brain used to describe this difference in functioning, though I think the neuroscience of it is a little less clear-cut in terms of brain regions. In any case, it's not so much verbal. It's more about feelings, images, sensations. Even though it can accompany words and sequential logical thought, it's different from it.

"self analysis" is perhaps more useful to job my own memory of what I'm talking about, because I am using it to self-reflect and gain more self awareness, and even analyse myself, though somehow it doesn't feel "left-brain" analytical. For example, looking back at my day and analysing it for what I could do better, to take lessons away for next time, doesn't happen by me trying to remember all the things and then think about how I could do them better, it's me actually remembering the day visually and emotionally, being drawn to any moments that didn't feel good, and then kind of imagining I've got a magic power and get to go back in time and do it again, and seeing what doing it in a way that feels better, more congruent with my own values, looks like. It gets me to a similar place, but feels significantly more impactful, useful, and easier, than the more step by step logical analysis method. Maybe that's just me.

This phrase also has the theme, again from that first blog post I mentioned above, of asking about what lights me up, makes me come alive, connects me, plugs me in. That is a specific kind of feeling, one of the best ones. I think of it as strongly related to the indigenous idea of "Vision" that I've been introduced to, as well as somewhat to some of the connotations of "Dharma" or 'rightness.' Though the podcast I mentioned earlier has a number of other questions to feel into as well, that have been on my mind: if x and y light you up, what flips the switch off? what makes you feel disconnected, saps your energy? What are your gifts and strengths (and other people who know you well can be good sources for that info). What are the major turning points or stepping stones in your life path? What are the synchronicities in your life and where do they lead you? and what are you doing when they show up most frequently?

So to summarize that: there is a subtle connotation and connection, to what brings you alive and lights you up. The word enthusiasm comes from "en" and "theos" which means 'the God within.' That is this energy I'm talking about, though if your not theistic you could just call it the life-force, or the energy of life itself, within us.

OK, one more post down. My task manager says I've got two more to write to be caught up, but I don't always check them off when I write them, so I don't know if it's accurate. I'll try and do it anyways, as I appear to be enthusiastic ;-) and on a role.

Wishing you the feeling of being lit up and alive. 

A saying I've heard recently (I think from Jon Young, though the internet says it's an African proverb, which would make sense given his background.) 

"When death finds you, may it find you alive."

-I out

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