Friday, June 14, 2024

Pillow Forts, Qwirkle, D&D

Looks like somehow two more weeks have passed. Last weekend is understandable, but two weekends ago I don't know what I was doing that made me forget about blogging... Hmm. it was a friends birthday... Oh, that was good one. I was feeling a little left out of the awesome bachelor party weekend gaming getaway, so me and Suzannah has a fun date, where we made a pillow fort and played games in it (a fun pattern matching game called Qwirkle). The cats joined in and it was fun and novel and cozy. I guess I really like small spaces, forts and such. 

What I really wanted to play was what all my friends were playing, which was a tabletop roleplaying game. It's hard to describe if you don't know what it is, but it's kind of a cooperative storytelling game, with some tactical rules and numbers and dice to determine if you can do things, with pencil and paper to keep track of all the information of the "character" you're playing. Some of my fondest memories are playing this kind of game with friends, but it tends to run late, and take a good chunk of time, so once I started getting really busy, I had to stop. Though I had to stop before that point, because it is an in-person game, and I had moved away from all my friends after college.

In any case, I'm playing with the idea of trying it out again, as a way to add something fun back into my life. It can get easy to just work constantly and then get burnt out. As it is though, I'm not sure I have the time for it, still. Grad school is grueling. I'm considering going down to part time next semester, but it does mean I'll be in school for that much longer. I kind of have to make a preliminary decision soon, as registration for fall semester classes is this coming Wednesday (which is also the day I travel out East for that friend's wedding.)

OK, I've got two of these to write so I'll stop there for this one.

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