Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week Late Post

I'm real real behind on my posts. I basically missed last weeks post. I'm very busy. things are going well, I suppose, but there is so, so much I want to do, and I have time for almost none of it. I think I said that last time, it's still true. I tried to get myself to do stuff Saturday, but I just couldn't. I needed a break. I work early in the morning, through the day till 4, and then keep working a bit into the evening. I just need a day to take a break from all that. Sundays I'm back at it, I'm teaching a class in the evenings and I try to clean up and keep things from becoming a mess in my room and with all my papers. etc. laundry, that kind of thing. It's to much, but even too much is not enough. I'm making forward progress, but it's slow. It's like walking against a blizzard, where the wind is blowing so hard you're almost at a 45 degree angle, leaning into it, just so you aren't blown over backwards. There is new stuff added every day, that is the wind blowing against me constantly, and the steps forwards are the longer-term positive things that I'm doing.

I understand why my teaching mentor said to stay with an age for three years before deciding to stay or switch. I can see it taking a full three years before things are automated enough that I have some idea what it would be like to do, long-term. But I've already pretty thoroughly committed to my age range. I have both a masters and will soon have an AMI certification for elementary students. It seems silly to not end up with that age range. like buying a nice car and then leaving it in the garage.

For my own completionist sake, I'm going to end this post and then write another one, so I technically continue to have one per week.

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