Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dreams of the Galactic Empire Part 2, End of the Dream.

 OK, so after saving humanity from the alien invaders, I planned to disguise myself among the normal human populace, because I didn't want special treatment or media focus or anything. However, I gave the teammates I had been working with (a band of other superheros and such, kinda like the Avengers or Justice League) each an emergency communication device, so if there were every any big troubles, they could call for my help anywhere in the multiverse. I was planning on doing some travel and exploration.

I think, as I gave my farewell speech, it was in song form, maybe rhyming couplets, and though I don't remember most of it, the ending gist was that what I did and could do, anyone was capable of, it just required enough love. Then I disappeared and Clark Kent'ed, and was walking with some friends/students out of a university, trying to explain a bit more of how to do what I did. I talked about the secret power as compassion, or love, but was reminding the person I was explaining it to, that those were just words, fingers pointing to the moon, and not to mistake the finger, the word, for the actual thing, which was a feeling and a state of being, and not something small like romantic attraction. Which is why I tried using the word compassion rather than just love. They'd be able to find it some day though, they just needed to keep expanding their heart, along with surrender to that something higher. Then we reached the door out of the large elegant university, at the foot of a massive staircase with lots of other students streaming out, and I flew off, looking for beautiful lands to explore, and woke up.

It was a really nice dream.

I sometimes think about the idea that all the characters in one's dreams could be interpreted as parts of oneself. in which case, these nice lessons I give to 'students' are for me.

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