Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dreams of the Galactic Empire

Ok, I think I'm 3 (posts) behind. Let's do some short ones. 

I can't remember if it was right before or after my birthday, but I had a really fun dream. It was one where I was very superpowered, closed to being able to do anything I could imagine. An alien invasion was threatening the human race, and after leading a group of survivors out of danger, partly by using a power to 'turn' some of the aliens, so that they were fighting for us, and flying alongside the last human starship as it was chased by an armada of alien ships, helping it escape.

I then faced the sky full of countless alien armada, and thought about weather to turn half of it against the other half and totally destroy it, or turn all of it, just enough to keep them from attacking humans again. I decided on the latter, because it seemed kinder, though the aliens were bizzaro creatures that didn't resemble anything even symmetrical, let alone human or animal. I also wondered at their place in the universal ecology, perhaps they protected the universe from an even greater threat, and destroying them would unleash it. Like taking an antibiotic destroying your beneficial intestinal biome which otherwise was there to outcompete invading bacteria. Perhaps they were protecting this universe from some scourge from beyond the stars.

It was a fun dream. I don't know how much meaning there is behind it, though it does make me think about the ethics of being able to change the minds of other beings.

I think I'll share another dream for my next post.

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