Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dreams of Monsters

 This was an interesting part of a dream series. I was looking for insight, and so was not resisting exploring the deeper, darker, more mysterious or scary places in my dreams. I found a cave, and was going to go down into it. I started off with a little blood sacrifice in an alter above the cave entrance at the top of the hill, cutting my hand so a few drops of blood could splash into the alter, but when I tried to go down into the cave entrance, there was nothing there, it didn't go anywhere.

Then I was in my old childhood house, looking for the spookiest room, but it didn't feel scary. Finally, I decided to approach my most frequent childhood monster, the monsters under the bed that lived in the darkness. I put my hand down below the bed, waiting for a bite, but nothing, then I fully got off the bed and got on hands and knees, sticking my head right at the edge of the bed, looking directly under, at the monsters. They were there, balls of black fur and large mouths, but they didn't seem frightening at all. I gently picked one up on my hands, and it behaved like a little guinea pig, or small dog, moving around in a friendly and curious way in my cupped hands.

Reflecting on the dream, I wondered at it's meaning. Have I looked into all the dark corners and faced them enough, that there is no more great fears left? I certainly am not a perfectly happy and content individual yet, there are many areas for my own growth. But there was something comforting in not hiding but rather going directly into all the fearful corners of my own mind and finding them empty of fear.

And I suppose it is true, I don't spend much time these days afraid. My struggles have more to do with focus and letting go and living my life moment to moment in alignment with my own highest values. If there are challenges or uncomfortable things, I am pretty good about facing them. It is the unawareness and forgetfulness and distraction that are the enemy these days. Along with my ever limited number of hours in the day.

Oh, I forgot a cool part of my previous dream, I'll share it in the final catch-up post.

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