Tuesday, September 20, 2022

2/4 Catch-up, Cat discipline, House!

 Alright, #2 catch-up post. 

Perhaps I should mention why I'm so behind. Well, technically, I posted on Wednesday, so rather than 4 weeks behind I'm... oh, actually it's worse, it's 4 and a half weeks behind :D

Anyhoo, I couldn't post on the 27th or 28th, because I was packing and preparing furiously for the vision quest, and traveling there, and then actually doing it, same goes for the next weekend. Then I was spending time with Suzannah, and spending any spare time I could get, journaling, trying to capture everything I could about the vision quest, so it wouldn't be forgotten. Only partially successful there, there was just too much, and too much detail. But there is always the option for a clarification quest, so, all good. I wanted to spend that next week either being with Suzannah, letting her show me around her childhood vacation neighborhood and interacting with her extended and immediate family, or journaling.

Then I got home a week and a but ago, without Suzannah, and I wanted to continue Journaling whenever I could, but there was also stuff to take care of in the house, unpacking, cleaning, petting the kitties, convincing the picky-eater kitty to eat her non-preferential meat (I've been successful with that so far, see previous post on me being a good disciplinarian)

AND, I found (or more precisely our real estate agent found and I jumped on) a house! woo!

And, as I mentioned previously, getting back into the swing of things and being productive has been a steady process of improvement. So, here we are.

And, there I go, since it's time for my weekly lunch with my Aunt.

See you next time (which may be soon, since I'm only at 2 out of 4 catch-up)


1/4 catch-up. Timing myself to improve my efficiency. Life is a game, play it full-out!

 How many weeks has it been? The last post was August 24th, so that makes...about 4 weeks. Wow. OK, for my own rules-lawering satisfaction, I think that calls for 4 very short blog posts.

I'm going to make this one short via a timer I already started for 10 minutes. Why? Well, I've finally arrived at home base, after a summer of crazy moving and then a whole bunch of travel, culminating in an incredibly powerful vision quest experience and then slowly winding down with a bit of fun in Cape Cod and then a week and a bit by myself while Suzannah continued to travel and be with family. (A nephew's birthday elicited the last minute change in plans. Suzannah has a hard time saying no to cute nephews. She's remarked more than once that I'm probably going to be the former disciplinarian. I'd find this idea funny if it wasn't true, because before my odyssey into teaching, I was one of the most lax disciplinarians I could think of. As I've said before, good Dad training, if nothing else (though I do think it will be useful for other things relevant to my life. More on that... perhaps in another post.)

In any case, the timer came about during a morning reflection and brainstorming session. I'm back into the enviable situation of making my own hours and answering only to myself (and Suzannah, I guess). But that situation is not truly enviable. Only enviable to people who have not had the experience themselves for an extended period of time. Sitting around doing nothing actually feels kind of trash, turns out. Humans are designed to have goals and to work. Like car batteries go dead if you don't use them for a while, our souls kind of go dead if not given over to some vigorous work at least fairly regularly. Incidentally, my car battery did go dead and I had to jump it when I returned. Perhaps a good analogy, as I'm having to jump-start myself, and get back to the habits I developed previously, to make sure I was feeling good and staying active and focus, when I was on my own routine back in New York. 

I find it exciting and invigorating though. When things are not working, it's a chance to reflect, figure out what isn't working, and come up with an idea for a fix, and then try that fix out. It's the same kind of joy in improvement you get when playing a video game and dying repeatedly to the level boss, as you slowly try out strategies and get better and better until you beat them and get the satisfaction of doing so and getting to move on to the next level, knowing you're now much better at facing those kinds of enemies.

Welp, so much more to talk about, including my incredible vision quest experiences (though I'll only be sharing little tidbits, as the transformative action of the quest is best served by keeping the deepest core elements secret, and even some of the other elements, until they've had a chance to work their magic into my life.)

But my time is past up, so I'm signing off on this post.