This post is going to be longer than it should be. It needs to be super short, because I have MONDO amounts of work to do. In general, and in specific, tonight and tomorrow morning. Graduate school is a lot of work, especially until I find the right balance of skimming to comprehension.
Anyhoo, on to the story.
My old car (now in the hands of a good friend.) seemed to have a curse associated with it: Whenever I would forget to roll up the windows, it would rain. The frequency and correlation if this ended up making some of the inner paneling fall off, the glue molded away from all the times it got wet right by the windows.
At first I was angry, thinking the universe was taunting me, but I quickly decided to look at it more as a playful and harmless prank. The universe trying to make my life a little more interesting and funny. At some point, I realized it worked so well, that I would occasionally leave my windows open on purpose, when there was a bad drought going on, to tease the rain out, so to speak. It always made me laugh, of often and quickly it seemed to work. (though it would often wait just long enough that I was distracted and the car got nicely wet.
Eventually I learned my lesson and rarely to never left the windows down, even during hot days.
Just tonight though, I was thinking about this power my car seemed to have, and how where I'm living now has been going through a drought. Perhaps one of it's worst in recorded history. The tree's were starting to suffer and show bad signs. There was a newspaper article about the leaves turning for fall, more prematurely than ever before, because of the drought. So, I decided to bring the rain. Or at least give it a shot.
Kind of like some kind of modern rain dance ceremony, I purposefully left the car window down (not my old car anymore, one I was borrowing from my parents.) the fact that the car would get kind of wet seemed like the sacrifice made, the lowering of the window was the ritual. Then I forgot about it, and went to work on my massive pile of reading. And then, just now, I heard rain, for the first time since I'd moved there. I quickly went down, to close the car window (don't worry dad, it was only open a little bit for a short time) and, with a prayer that it keep raining even though I was closing the windows, I rolled them back up. (generally, the longer my windows were down in the rain before I rolled them up, the heavier the rain.)
I don't have a good explanation for why that happened.
I'm kind of entertained at the thought that people who don't believe in a benevolent intelligence to the universe (which I call God) could probably do some math and prove that it was just probability and my brain seeing patterns where there weren't any.
It's amazing to me how flexible the universe seems to be. For the most part, you can have wildly different world views, and the universe allows you to keep believing the one you want.
In any case, as far as I'm concerned, It's magic, and it's the universe acting like a playful puppy, as it sometimes does. Though that still doesn't really describe the why. It feels like there is an underlying order to it, but what it is, I can't grasp, and don't have the tools to experiment and figure it out quickly. But it is one of my long-term goals.
OK, that's all I have time for and more. Graduate school is teaching me what it's like to repeatedly be unable to finish all my homework satisfactorily. Hopefully this next week will be better since I've got more time and more of an idea of how long it takes. (and more of an idea of what level of textual analysis is expected.)
See ya ^_^
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