Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cue Travel Montage Music

It's already late in the week. And it's about as late as it can get, for this post, as I'll be leaving for the pine barrens for a Tom Brown Jr. course in about an hour.

I would have thought, at some point, the summer would have gotten less busy for some significant length of time, but I think the days I spent studying for my tests were about as much break as I'm going to get. Maybe the week and a half that I'll in Fairfield Iowa will be more relaxed. Except, I've got lots of work that I have to do for the soon approaching school year, so I'll be bringing that with me and working whenever I'm not spending time with friends.

In case you're curious, that trip will happen around August 6-19th, though I've still got to figure out the exact dates (and how I'm traveling. I was assuming car, but considering how pressed I am for time, if I can find a cheap plane ticket, that might be a better idea.)

So, perhaps I'll have some exciting stories around the end of July, when I come back from my Tom Brown Jr. stuff. But for now, all I can think of is how much stuff I still have to do before I leave.

Talk to you later, dear friends.

Stay Crunchy ;)

(That's the name of my awesome travel-montage/dance-breakdown music below. Enjoy.)

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