OK, I gave the big news in the last post, how about a more general update for this one. In some ways, it feels a bit like when I had a girlfriend (previously, not my now wife) and things weren't going well: I didn't want to share that with the world, because it was personal to her and though I was fine sharing what was going on with me, it seemed like an invasion of privacy to air that with the world, so I went a little quiet for those years. My current job at my school had a fairly lengthy and business-like contract to sign that included stuff about not sharing pretty much anything about the operations of the school. In business speak I think it's the idea of trade secrets and not wanting competitors to know how you run your business. And then there's the normal element of all schools, where you must protect the identity and info of the students.
Between all that, I'm going to have to talk very generally about the school, if at all. (And obviously if there's something I really don't like about it (which there currently isn't and I don't foresee their being, this school is pretty great) there's no way I'm going to air that publicly on a blog. That's super unprofessional. So don't expect 'the dirt' here)
That said, to give a general idea, they are doing a good job easing me into this new job, though I suspect it's a bit more intense that it would be, without Covid going on. The staff are all really nice, cool people who are good at their jobs, the children are great to work with (but they still require work and attention, as I assume you'd have anywhere in the world.) And the school itself is lovely. The work environment itself is not stressful, which is great. It's long hours though, which I'm adjusting to fairly well. I miss having more morning time, but once we've moved and settled down, I'll figure out a routine that gives me all the time I need.
On to a few other things: our airbnb is in a very convenient location. There is an HEB (supermarket) about 2 minutes away, and a whole bunch of excellent restaurants about the same distance away. There's a jogging path right around where we're staying so it's easy to keep up that part of my routine. I'm prioritizing fun time with Suzannah during my free-time. It's mostly low-key activities, but I'm trying to make sure my relationship isn't suffering from me being away working so much of the time. It means less time at home to catch up on other work, and I'm still finding the balance there, but I think the quality of my relationship is a high priority and shouldn't get short-changed. This is all stuff I need to feel out and re-balance once life starts getting into more of a routine, but I think I'm doing pretty good right now in this ad-hoc situation. I'm glad I'm not in charge of more outside-the-job lesson planning right now, as it means I don't have much time pressure outside of class to be working, so I can be spending it with Suzannah.
OK, I definitely need to go now. It's 6:30 am so I need to give Suzu morning cuddles and get running. ^_^
Take care everyone. The crazy adventure continues.
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