Saturday, August 19, 2023

Fit, Creativity, Coming Alive

 Countdown! just over a week to go! Less even, until my orientation meeting!

I'm quite enjoying reading my text book and taking notes on it. Problems are arising in that I'm taking notes that are too copious. But I enjoy engaging with the text, summarizing things, writing my own thoughts and critiques, researching things that seem suspect or just topics that aren't well explained.

On the plus side, reading the 'intro to individual counseling' textbook is introducing me to the core theory and skills, which is giving me a better sense of my fit with counseling. And that sense is optimistic; as I continue to learn more, it's generally confirming my original thoughts that it is a good fit for my particular gifts and strengths and interests.

I've got a lot of tidying up I'd like to do before classes start though, and I don't know how much I'll actually be able to get done in the time before things start, so I really hope I'll have some time for that after classes start.

I have a meeting in a few minutes, and I'm leaving early tomorrow to fly back home, so this post is gonna be short.

I feel more comfortable with my extended family year by year, I think. It's nice. I think it's a mixture of my own personal growth and Suzannah's good influence on me.

Unrelated thought: I want to add a habit of being creative every day. Even if just for a few minutes. And I want to give myself time to connect to my own sense of enthusiasm and what I want in life, and follow it. Maybe that's not the best or most complete way of putting it... you know how some moments in your life, you just feel really 'alive'? I want to be connected and plugged into that aliveness.

Oh, and as I think about having kids, I'm a little sad at how far apart in ages any kids I have will be from the other kids my cousins have. Though also grateful for the friends and family that are having kids at around the same time. 

Also not sure how we'll give them a good education in the small rural town we're in, but that's a problem for 5+ years later I suppose. I should be focusing on the task of how to raise babies and toddlers well without going crazy from stress and sleep deprivation 😅

-I Out

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