October is, and is going to continue to be, a hella busy month. I've got big papers due this week, and TWO every week going forwards, through the end of the month. And the reading load has not decreased.
Perhaps I've said this before, the way we teach humans is mostly pretty dumb. This is one of those cases. It's too much to do all at once, there's not enough time to give the diligence each element deserves, so it's just going to get skimmed and glossed over, to the detriment of all. Lots of shallow learning, quickly forgotten because there is absolutely no time to process and go over the really important stuff.
I'm also slow. So, that doesn't help things.
Anyways, I've been here before and I'll get through it again, but a part of me groans at doing it. I better dang well get a profession I enjoy and that can support me while I do something of value out of this, or I'm gonna be pissed. At myself, I guess.
Will it be a good fit? It seems likely? I think it's likely. I hope it is. Otherwise it reall is insult to injury.
I guess, theoretically, I could just take one course per semester, but no, the previous month was fine. Everybody just didn't coordinate with each other and it's all happening this month, so it's gonna be a feast or famine kinda thing.
Anyhoo, expect short blog posts, is I guess the practical information in this post.
I got a new computer. It was a reaaaaaaly good idea. My old one was lagging constantly, and often simply refusing to work, to load pages, to do various things. It is night and day, and I am using my computer so much now, it is really me getting the greatest value from it. I suspect the activity will simmer down again once I'm out of grad school, and by that time it will probably be slow again because nobody cares about optimising their software.
The other thing that would make a huge quality of life improvement to me, is a really solid note-taking app. I do not have such a thing. Or rather, I've got like a bazillion note taking applications I've been using, with notes scattered all over the place. It's quite inefficient, but the research required to find a better system takes way more time than I have. I guess it's par for the course with me, my organization system when I'm short on time tends to be throw things randomly on surfaces and have one surface be the more important one where urgent things go.
Ah well. I do think everything is getting better, one small step at a time. Even though there's a lot to do, I'm trying to practice a more laid back approach to it. I focus and do the work, but I'm not pushing myself to hurry and get it all done faster. I let things take the time they take, and just start early and work often. Simply not 'rushing' through everything is a huge load off. It just means there's not a lot of play time, but when I'm not rushing, work can become play.
I Out!
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