Sunday, November 5, 2023

Less papers. Life. Journey before Destination.

 Still thinking about my friend, and how to support someone who is going through grief. It's a tricky situation. You don't know what to do. They don't know what to do. They're not in a position to sit down calmly and think about what to do, so it seems like the onus falls on those of us who care to educate ourselves in how we can be genuinely supportive and not end up making things worse while we try and make them better.

Life is hard, man. But also touching and beautiful and full of love and joy and goodness sometimes.

I think I'm getting better at it, year by year. But there are always new challenges to meet, and so I need to remember to make the journey itself better. It can't just be all about when you finally arrive. The present is the only moment you will ever have, so the practice of making good use of it seems at least tied for most important thing.

Two papers to finish by Monday, but this is a lighter week: I'm already on the final draft, with feedback on the larger paper, and the second paper is just a simple reflection on some readings.

Next week is another big paper, and a second, medium sized paper, but the week after that is NO papers. Woo! I can get a leisurely start on the final papers and presentations, and maybe do something fun and non-school-related.

(Note, "journey before destination" is cribbed from one of Brandon Sanderson's fantasy series, though the idea itself is cribbed from philosophy/spirituality.)

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