Thursday, May 9, 2024

Small Miracles, Letting Go, The Gift of Service.

Currently sitting in a kind of dirty feeling/smelling car repair waiting room, waiting for them to change my oil. On Sunday we’re driving out to Boulder Colorado for a few days and the oil change light is on, so it needs to happen. Not the most relaxing and inspiring place to write a blog post, but I’ve got a lot I want to get done during this precious break of mine, so trying not to waste the time. Also, the headphones I brought so I could listen to my book on tape have an audio jack rather than the lightning port that iPhones now use (why is apple always messing with connection types?) so I can’t do that.

I had a great residency class. It was all about practicing skills, very hands on, and I loved it. This is what I’m here for, not writing all these overdone and kinda pointless papers and too much reading for the time given. (Though the readings are generally good. Just too much assigned for the time available.) The professor I was assigned to was cool and knowledgeable and a good teacher who's style and philosophy I jived with, who was very willing to be called up by former students. Really grateful for that good fortune.

And the summer electives are looking good. One is a teacher that I’ve had before, and is fine, and the other is a teacher I’ve had a little bit, who is awesome.

My birthday is coming up soon! I should really figure out what I’m gonna do to celebrate and invite people! Haven’t done it yet though.

Earlier this week while I was going for a run, I saw a Luna moth on the side of the road. I tried to nudge it to move off the road, because I didn’t want it to get run over, but instead of moving away from my nudging hand, it climbed on. This was very cool, Luna moths are beautiful and huge, and I walked with it, looking for a safe spot to drop it off, however, when I offered it a tree branch, it didn’t want to go. So I shrugged and started jogging back home.

This is not my picture, but so you have an idea of what it looks like and it's size in relation to a hand:
Photo credit:

I thought once I got home I could take my time letting it crawl off me onto a tree, and I could also take a picture of it on my hand, because that was super cool. However, part of the way there, it started moving, so I checked again, offering it a nearby tree branch, and it took it and crawled onto the tree.

I felt blessed to be able to hold it for a while, and happy that I knew to let it go when it wanted to, rather than selfishly trying to hold onto it so I could get a picture. 

Opportunities to serve are gifts.

Continuing to think about priorities and this short precious life I have, as I look at the list of things I want to get done this break and listen to "Smarter Faster Better" by Charles Duhigg.

So far, birthday plans: Haircut. Massage. Yagya. Sunrise wander. Class (I've got one of my classes on that day.) Not sure yet what I want to do for spending time with friends, or if I want to do that on a weekend or something.

I'm getting old... 38. Huh.

-Isaac out-

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