Monday, June 17, 2024

Divert all power to starboard thrusters. July 14th finish. More travel.

A short one because: I'm flying to Connecticut in two days and boy are my arms tired. There's a lot to do to prepare for the trip, in those next two days, and there is a LOT to do, over the next several, to get everything done that needs to be done. I've got a large paper due Sunday, along with a medium paper, a bunch of readings (which will absolutely not all get done, that's low priority, but I have to do at least some of them.) and a one day vision quest to satisfy the 16 hours of nature time activity I'm doing for my Nature Outdoors and Adventure Therapy class. Planning on doing that Saturday. So, anyhoo, busy. Plus cleaning up the house for our cat-sitter, and making sure I've packed everything I'm going to need for the VQ.

We are now officially in emergency mode. I like to imagine the command deck of the U.S.S. Enterprise from Star Trek, where they've been fired at and something has blown up, and they have to redirect all power to the front shields or what not. Emergency and life support systems only. That starts now and goes until July 14th, so... bye for a while. I'll try to keep posting, but expect them to be shorter, like this one.

We have to write how many papers this week?

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