Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Catch-up short: pre-wedding, Monadnock, life finds a way.

 Hmm, counting the weeks, it looks Like I somehow got 3 weeks behind. I blame the end of my summer semester, plus the wedding that I went to. Time for some nice short 'make up' posts.

On the morning of the wedding day, Suzannah and I hiked up Mount Monadnock (the wedding was in New Hampshire). It was a beautiful hike, and at the top, it was so windy it almost felt like we were going to get picked up and blown off. It went from too hot to too cold. At the bald stony top of the mountain, were little pools of water, and in one of those pools were a swarm of tadpoles! it was really unexpected and cool. I don't know how or why they went up there, but it's a symbol of the power of life to find a way to thrive in the most unlikely of circumstances. I think I took some pictures and videos, but it was with Suzannah's phone. Maybe I can get her to share them with me later.

In current news: We're about to go up to Iowa City with a friend who has a Costco membership to go shopping. And I've got to cook up something for lunch, before then, so that's the end of this post. Maybe next time I'll tell a bit about the wedding ceremony and the rubber-duck race the next day. I do have pictures and videos of that.

Until next time (which will hopefully be soon)


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