Monday, January 11, 2016

I get knocked down, but I get up again

This is an important lesson I've learned. I've learned it pretty slowly. But, perhaps like a slow growing tree, whose growth rings are so tight together that the wood is almost like iron, the slow growth makes for strong growth.

Here's the lesson: whatever you're aiming for, when you fall short, when you make a misstep, as soon as you realize that, begin again from that moment. Don't go into a downward spiral.

What makes me go into a downward spiral is feeling bad about having taken a misstep, getting knocked down, knocked off my path. And then talking unkindly to myself. To sum it up simply, I goof off or something instead of doing what's most important to my dreams, and then say, "Dang. You suck." And then get sad, and goof off more, because I'm sad and I'm trying to distract myself from that. That's the downward spiral. I'm sure there are a million different permutations, but something like that is the bones of it.

That's not an effective approach. I've done a lot of field testing. What works much better is basically just changing the self talk at that point of awareness. The point where I realize I've gotten off track. Instead I say, "The past is past, you can't change it, but you can change yourself in this moment, right now. You're a spark of the divine, like everyone else, and have the potential to express that like all your heroes. You are totally capable of doing that. And it starts right now, figuring out what the next step is and doing it.

And then I get quiet and connect with the deepest part of myself and ask what the best possible thing I could be doing right now is.

So, to distill all that down to pill form, in case anyone else wants to try this:

First, when you realize you're off, track, change your self talk. Be your own cheerleader. (This can take some self work).

Second, start again from that very moment, by simply asking what the best thing to do right now is, and getting quiet so the answer can come to you from that deepest part of yourself.

This post is a little more philosophical, but it's what I'm doing at the moment. Getting back into the swing of things after a vacation.

Peace, Love, and the American Way (Or whatever positive ideology or religion you subscribe to ;)

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