Sunday, June 26, 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Rabbit and Graduate School

I didn't get to my sit spot till later than usual this morning (everything is later than usual here in Fairfield Iowa, with all my old friends. I have a harder time pulling myself away and doing work, or going to sleep. Perhaps this is one of the hidden benefits of living most of the time in a city when I don't like cities: there's not much I'm interested in doing for fun, so I just work ;)

In any case, as I was sitting quietly this morning, communing with the universe and enjoying nature I saw my first teenage bunny. What does a teenage bunny look like, you ask? Well, I didn't know either, till this morning. It was just a little bigger than a baby bunny, except it had huge, long, gangly hind legs. They were as long as an adult rabbit, but thinner. It made the rabbit stand an extra inch off the ground because its legs were too long for it. I stifled my laughter so I could keep looking at it to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing.

I wonder if it has acne beneath its fur too? And I wonder why I've never seen a teenage rabbit before? Maybe it's a really short phase of their life. Though, considering how fast they multiply it would seem that they never really grow out of it.

That's all for now. Need to eat lunch and get back to writing my personal statement/essay for graduate school! I'm applying to Antioch, New England, for a Masters in Education. I visited them, and I would have a hard time designing a better fit for myself. They are small, surrounded by beautiful nature, very hands on, interested in mindfulness (which seems to be the scientifically acceptable word for meditation and spirituality) and have programs in sustainable living and nature-based education. The application is due by the end of the month. Send me your prayers if you feel so inclined ^_^

Truth and Love,

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