Monday, October 10, 2016


Just finished with the nadi leaf session. Not sure what to make of it. He was there, right on time. Perhaps he felt bad about the last session. It was not suspect at all like the previous nadi leaf reading was, where the guy obviously had just picked one of the few photocopies of leaves he'd brought with him and was re-using it along with some general astrology skills.

This was legit, this guy had a pack of palm leaves, sandwiched between two wooden boards, and put on a string. He asked me questions, about my parent's names, my name, profession, etc. Here's an odd part. Near the very end, he apparently had... I think it was two leaves, that were Isaacs, maybe Nevas as well, but he was asking if there was a third part to the name, that started with certain letters "R or V" for example. This made me wonder: are there actually two other Isaac Nevas's, who are going to get their nadi leaves read? That seems... kinda crazy.

He then said that he'd gone through the three hundred leaves, and none of them quite matched, so he was going to have to send away for another packet of leaves that he didn't currently have in his possession, and that would take a month or so. That seemed fairly legit. That is what would be expected if this was for real. If it wasn't, he wouldn't have wasted his time, rescheduling an appointment. Likely he would have just made something up.

Now for skeptical Isaac: As we went down the list, things seemed to be getting more accurate. The last two questions were about my name, and he was asking if there was a third name that I had. Which I probably hadn't written down. And another skeptical thought: if I wanted to seem impressive, I would ask a bunch of questions, get answers, record it, wait a while (the month he says it will take to get my leaf read) and then feedback all that information as if I was reading it from a leaf. However, I have recorded our session, so I can check back to see if he's giving me any new information. Also, he's a busy man, I don't see him wasting that much time on me.

One other thing: one of the leaves seemed fairly close. He was asking questions, to which I was replying "yes" quite a bit, but they were kind of more vague things, rather than specifics, that could have applied to several people. But then he moved on eventually. He probably could have kept going on that one if he'd wanted to, but he didn't. Seems like something someone would do who's used to having very accurate predictions, not so-so predictions.

In any case, I got called on time, he behaved in a non-suspicious manner, and I didn't get my leaf read. The journey continues. Mainly I'm happy not to have my time wasted like last time. But I'm also happy that he has not yet done anything that seems super sketchy, so it's still possible that I will actually get my leaf read. Also it's totally fascinating to hear the very beginnings of all those other leaves. Oh my god, could you imagine getting to read them? All those stories, written far in the past about people whose grandparents hadn't been born yet. With very specific, detailed information. none of those leaves were mine, but were they somebodies? Somebody who hasn't come yet? Or who already came, hundreds of years ago? What do they do once somebody finds their leaf? Do the put it in a separate pile?

Why have I kept getting delayed in getting my leaf read? Is it going to say something that would change the course of my life if I heard it too early? Am I just being teased to remove my attachment? Do I not have a leaf? What does that mean? Somewhere I think it says something to the effect that if you have the impulse and go to get your leaf read, that means you have a leaf.

This will all just have to remain an open mystery, for now.

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