Sunday, March 8, 2020

catch-up post, trip to Chicago

Again, I seem to be on a bimonthly schedule. The weeks are packed, the weekends are packed. I'm a week off from a trip to Chicago to do my two weeks of practice teaching, but I don't know how much of a break that will be. One of the weeks is during spring break, so I'm not taking too much time off from work, so I don't have spring break. And I'll be teaching, just like I've been doing.

It should be a bit less stressful because I'm not in charge of the class as a whole, just teaching lessons, but also more stressful because it's a totally new environment, I don't know the presentations as well, since I haven't done them as much, and I don't know how anything works in the new situation. Plus I'll have a bit of homework at the end of each day, collating my notes and preparing for the next day. I hope it's a bit easier, because I'd like some time/energy to get more work done on the various assignments due this summer.

Before I spend time on that, though, I've got to get my taxes taken care of, as well all do. My inbox sits looking at me, forlorn, full of papers, as the immediately important tasks sit in front of me as sticky notes. Less that the ideal system. Too easy to forget things.

OK, that's going to be last week's post.

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