Tuesday, September 7, 2021

An old sheet of paper, A little sick, A lot of sleep.

 Welp, Labor Day rolled around and then past. I got sick, thus me not posting the previous weeks post even though All I had left was the title. I did a lot of sleeping. I figured it was my main job, since I needed to be back in good shape by the time work started back up on Tuesday. I would have liked to spend more of it doing stuff, but it is what it is. I’m grateful I got the extra day to sleep in some more. Normally I’m up at 5 am, but when I’m sick I sleep as long as my body will let me.

One of my teacher/mentors mentioned reminded me that their’s a difference between being ‘busy’ and being productive, so I’ve been trying to keep that in mind as I work. Trying to be aware of which it is I’m doing. For me, it means doing unimportant work vs. important. There’s lots of little things to do, but only a few things that will make a big difference in my life. And then a bunch of stuff that’s not super important on it’s own, but is general life maintenance stuff that needs to get done, even if it doesn’t feel super important. That’s the stuff that needs to get done, but that you don’t want to end up filling up all your available time, like when you’re writing an essay for class and it ends up taking as long as you’ve got. Those things are best given time restrictions I suppose.

In any case, it’s a slightly different angle on the whole time management thing, akin to what I noticed with prioritization over “time management.”

It was interesting, having a talk with my my mentor, the day before I got sick, about creating teacher (and maybe parent) training programs, and how exciting that was for me. I’ve been thinking about this, and wondering if I might be happier with a mix of teaching and research. I love researching and it seems a shame to not be using that skill and love, which can border on obsession.

I also stumbled upon a paper recording some thoughts and prayers from several years ago… I should re-read it again, but it said some things about elements of my what my ideal job might look/feel like, that still seem pertinent. It should feel good, and right. And the specific thing I identified was just the times I was their for a friend, to listen and support, counsel and hopefully inspire onwards. Maybe I’m not saying it exactly right. But it reminded me of some of my first thoughts that set me on the path I’m currently on. It felt pertinent, and powerful.

OK, that’s it for now, gotta go.

Take care, be well,


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