Thursday, June 23, 2022


This post is late. Why: we are packing like our life depends on it. We have until two Saturdays from now, about 8 days, to finish packing up the house and getting it ready for a renter. We are working with great focus, to get all the things done that need to get done.

Also, I'm flying out over the weekend, for about one and a half days, to get to a friends wedding reception in Pennsylvania. So I have even less, time, and need to pack for that as well. Today and/or tomorrow, because I'm leaving the house at around 4:20am, so packing last minute is a no-no. I need to go to bed super early.

Alright, that's all for now, next week will probably be similar, or even shorter, or maybe nothing at all, but you'll know what I'm doing.



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