Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Spring. Enjoyable work. Swabbing the poop deck.

 61 items processed today. It is satisfying to get each little one taken care of and click my little counter. There are still a lot left. I'm gonna estimate maybe 200 more items, but hopefully that's an over estimate. It makes sense though, this is a year or two of backlog. Many of the items are old, and I get to just throw out. A few are important, and I record them somewhere that makes sense. A few are journals or stacks of notes, and I have to decide what to do with them. It's not the right time to read through them all now, but at least a few of them will represent a fair time input down the road, when I go through them, making sure there's no more important tasks or projects hiding in them that I want to pull out. And with some, summarizing important notes I've taken, to use on projects I've got in the works.

After that's all sorted, I get to go through my lists and start actually doing as many of the smaller projects as I can, or deciding they're not worth doing and taking them out of the boxes I've designated as "physical things to do." Then do a kon-mari run through of my stuff, before or as I transfer it over to the new house.

At the end of all that, I'll have "cleared the decks" as much as possible, freeing up physical and mental space, for new, fresh action and direction.

I'm not only doing that mind you, but it's some of the most immediately satisfying stuff I'm doing, as I get to see the results right away, like cleaning a room. And it's some of the stuff that then makes the rest of the stuff go smoother.

It's quite satisfying to do. In fact, I'm running into a new problem, in that sometimes work too much, because it's clearly defined, satisfying work to do. And even the other work I have to do, is so nicely defined and easy to check, that there's little friction to me getting done my important tasks. This is a great problem to have, and confirms the wisdom of spending the time to set up and maintain this system.

A next step I'm starting to put together, is a good research and note-taking system. There is a lot of information I want to turn into practical insights, and I need a good system for organizing it and summarizing it, and the things I create from what I'm learning, so I can find what I need as I pull stuff together for my own learning and improvement, and to share with others.

I want something simple, lightweight, but effective. That's going to be a mixture of technique: what to do, and habit: actually doing it. Too soon to go heavy into that yet. Chase two rabbits catch none, I think the saying goes.

I'm also slow-baking ideas for working with children. I've got some ideas of what I'd like to do, to be of service, but I'm thinking about what are the best ways to actually go about doing that. But if I go heavy into that right now, I'll never finish 'clearing the decks.' So I'm letting those ideas simmer and gathering more as I go about other stuff.

I'm also really enjoying my morning sit: I go out into nature and just enjoy the beauty for a few minutes, most days, and it is so beautiful and uplifting. It grounds me in reality, and gives me so much beauty and wonder to be grateful for. Spring is happening, and I get to see it progressing, day by day. Crocuses shooting up, little white bell flowers I don't know the names of, and green leaves shooting up, probably from some type of bulb flower. Maybe daffodils?

OK, that's all for now. Did I mention I've turned doing the dishes into an enjoyable job by letting myself listen to audio fantasy novels while I do them? It's working very well, turning a chore into play. This is an idea I was reminded of recently from one of the better nonfiction books I've listened too recently. I think it's just called, "How to Change"

OK, time to go, though there's more I could share.

Be well, hope you have time to spend with those you love, and savor the beauty of spring beginning. (If that's happening where you are)

-I out

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