Sunday, February 12, 2017

Short James Bond Break.

I'm about to head off outside internet range and outside of free-time range to a Tom Brown class. I'll be there until Thursday morning, at which point I'll get up at 5 or 6 and drive for 5 or 6 hours to get to class on time at Antioch, at which point I'll have classes until 6:30 (and then homework for the next day of classes until I sleep.) People keep saying "have a nice break" or "have a nice vacation." and I can't be bothered to explain to them the truth. So I'm just explaining it once, here: It's a crazier week than average.

Thus, this is all the blog post you get. I've got more in the works, but they're not ready for prime-time and I have no further opportunities for editing, so this will genuinely be a short post.

I fill like I should have something of substance to give you, though.

My teacher told me to be more direct and less questioning or wishy-washy with my instructions to kids who are off track, and it's working quite well, since I've got the warmth thing down quite well. It makes me feel like a James Bond supervillain monologuing about how people crave subjugation and being told what to do.

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