Monday, September 4, 2017

The parts of God we are

"People are the parts of God that aren't fully satisfied."

-Isaac, quoting Malinda, quoting Isaac

This is a short post. School must be starting up again ;-)

Sorry I don't have time for anything longer. I may miss it even more than you. As I write, I often think of you, on the other side, listening, and it feels a bit like I am sitting with a friend. Perhaps that is one of the secrets. I do this so that you can feel close and cozy, but also so I can feel that. Reminds me of my current self-improvement todo list:

-more intimate, nourishing moments of love and connection with people
-less self-criticism and judgment
-instead, more self-compassion and support
-the usual (making my various spiritual weight-lifting exercises throughout the day more frequent)

Love, always love;

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