Monday, November 6, 2017

Winter is coming. Checklists for better living. Chinese Ladybug friend.

I'm a bit tired, in general. I'm quite busy. I've created a little stack of note cards, the top one says "Emergency Distraction Checklists" and below it are a series of different checklists for things to try for various distraction problems. Inspired somewhat from my own brain, somewhat refined by my skim-through of "The Checklist Manifesto."

Seems like a genuinely useful idea. We shall see. It's simple, which I like.

That's all for this week. Even posting this at all is a challenge. I'm writing it in the few minutes between waking up, meditating, and going to school. I maybe be doing it instead of showering. But that would be ok because the heat isn't working currently. I really hope it starts working by tonight, because it's going to get freezing. I also hope I can get snow tires on my car this afternoon, because the winter it is a'coming.

On a cute note, a ladybug/Chinese-ladybug (which seem to be hardier and more likely to bite) is keeping me company, crawling around my desk.

That's all for this week folks. Might have more time next week.

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