Sunday, November 24, 2019

Becoming more job-datable. Prioritizing organization practice. Practicing gratitude.

My desk is now mostly clean. I've got spots for everything to go, so I can quickly put things away. Except all my papers. I have yet to figure out a good method for dealing with them. I just end up having a bunch of papers spread out over my desk, reminding me of various things, and I want all of them there, reminding me.

I guess the reason is simple, I don't yet have a todo list system that I trust I'll look at regularly, or that will show me everything important I need to do at a glance. This is a systems problem, not a physical problem. I still haven't refined my system for dealing with various kinds of work, todo's lists of info, etc. I'm sure I could, given time, but I don't have the time I used to, back in the day. When was the last time I had an abundance of time... I think the main one was back in New York, after my acting conservatory ended. I worked as a freelance writer, and was experimenting with life-coaching, and started doing my early morning routines. It was wonderful. Before the life coaching, I was researching, reading, and journaling, trying to figure out what I really wanted to do, as a life work.

I tried a lot of different methods. I worked through an array of exercises with the "what color is your parachute" book and a bunch of other books. I made lists of the things I loved to do, the things I was good at, and where they intersected doing something that the world needed/I could get paid for. I prayed, I looked at astrology, I took signature strength tests, I tried to access my intuition. Etc.

I've narrowed it down to a point where I'm not desperately searching, and I'm starting to focus more on the skills needed, the 'improving yourself' section. As I improve with those skills, I'll have more of what Cal Newport calls, I think it's "career capitol" that is, having unique and valuable skills, which you can cash in for more ideal jobs. More autonomy, mastery, connectedness, in your work. Going back to the dating thing, that equates to being a 'good catch' I guess. You've got options to choose from. And while you still need to choose an option that really matches you, and not just the job that looks best on paper (or person that looks best on paper), there is at least the option or possibility of that choice, once you have the career capitol (or datability?)

I waited a while, to start dating, until I was ready to put in the time and energy. In the same way, I'm not looking for a new job now. I'm working on building my skills. But one of those primary skills is how to do the job well and not burn out.

This makes me think of the "date a book" analogy from some reading curriculum I was shown. The idea for finding a book you liked, was to date a bunch of books. Have coffee with them, get to know them a bit, then decide which you want to go steady with and finish.

In any case, this go derailed from my original thought train which was simply: I don't know if I currently have the time to refine my work-stream process, unless I set it as top priority for a while.

Anyhoo: happy Thanksgiving! a wonderfully named and non-denominational holiday. What better theme for a holiday than gratitude! sitting down and listing 5 things you're grateful for and really feeling it, is one of the better ways of increasing happiness in your life. Even just doing it once a week has significant benefits to you're well-being and perceived happiness. Give it a try. You can do two things at once, by saying something you're grateful for, to the person you're grateful to. You feel good, and they get to feel good. That's a gift that doesn't cost anything this holiday season, but has a high likelihood of making someone a little happier.

I'm grateful for all the support, love, and laughter I've received from friends and family over the years. I'm grateful for the guidance and magic that the universe has provided. I'm grateful to have such wonderful friends and family in my life. I'm grateful to have food and shelter and safety in this uncertain world. I'm grateful for all the opportunities I have to serve others, and to continue to learn and grow.

Happy holidays, may the warmth of love from those closest to you surround and nurture you, as you do so for others.


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