Saturday, April 30, 2016

Pakistani and Latino Foods

Party going on outside, next door in the fifteen-foot square fenced in backyard that's behind each of the brownstone buildings on my block. loud latino music. Me and friend/housemate, chilling in the living room. He's sitting on the carpet, pumping air into his bike tire. I've just gotten back from teaching kids and having a planning dinner with two of the other teachers. Snippet from the conversation.

Friend: man, we used to have all kinds of parties like that back in Texas. That music, dancing...I love it. I mean, us Pakistani's party too, but it's different.

Me: yeah, I imagine, even the crazier Pakistani partys, there's a kind of... Modestly to that culture?

Friend: Oh yeah. whereas those guys... (gesturing towards the party.)

Me: They're all about the sex. It's part of the culture. Spicy

Friend: (laughing) yeah. Our Pakistani spice is all in the samosas.

Me: (in awe of the turn of phrase)

Friend: you like that?

Me: That's...excellent. I'm using that.

Friend: go ahead. I'm not copyrighting it.

Me: That's going in my blog. I have to go write that down now before I forget. (walking excitedly to my room.)

Preserved forever.

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