Monday, April 11, 2016

the kind of teaching that sets me on fire

In a good way. Not the pants on fire, need water immediately way.

My teacher created a system of education called Educare. To quote the creator of Educare:

"The word ‘education’ is derived from the Latin root ‘educare’. While education refers to collection of worldly facts, educare is to bring out from within. Education is for a living while educare is for life. "

This excites me. Helping to draw out from within people their latent genius, compassion, and enthusiasm. It's basically the thing I most like doing in the world, though I've talked about it using different words, in different contexts.

I thought up a catchy phrase to go with it:

Educare: making the latent, patent.

("patent" is pronounced "peyt-nt" for this meaning of the word.)

This short post may be all you get from me this week: taxes are due soon O.O

-I Out

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