Sunday, May 31, 2020

Learning to learn. Moving to Austin. Higher and higher.

Sunday Evening. 

My nephew-to-be had his 4th birthday. Water gun fights, pizza, present opening, and a really good chocolate cake my fiancee made.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before: I'm moving to Austin. I got offered my dream job. However, it's gonna be a bit different than I imagined due to covid.

In addition to moving to Austin, starting a new job, and getting married, I'm taking the last summer of my Montessori training. It's more rigorous than a doctoral program, or so I've been told (by someone who's done a doctoral program and this). It's easy to belive: it's more intense than the masters in education , which was in turn more intense than the professional acting conservatory I did in New York, which was more intense than my undergraduate degree. Which was actually super chill, so that's not saying much. But the acting conservatory and on were actually challening, so from there on up it's been a continual stretch and grow process. And then working as a first year teacher for an age range I hadn't been trained in was even more intense.

What I'm trying to say is I'm really grateful for the momentary rest where things are less intense. That's mostly over now. I've got two more weeks before class starts officially, but I'm already gearing up for studying for my test, finishing my homework, and getting ready to start taking the classes. Also planning out a covid-informed wedding and the move with Suzannah.

I've been getting warmed up by taking some classes and reading books/articles about memorization, note taking, speed reading, time-blocking, and such, attempting to get my system as efficient as possible for the heavy load, but it is now go time, and I've begun implementing it and starting to review and reflect on my process, tweaking things, as I work on homework and logistics.

It's kind of novel, feeling like I actually have the time to plan things out in an intelligent way. Previously, I felt like I was drowning, and trying to read a manual on swimming while in the midst of the sea. Now, I'm actually getting to read, practice, take a lesson, before being thrown into the ocean, and it's a way more peaceful experience. Another thing I'm profoundly grateful for.

It's reminding me of how much I love to learn. I've gotten quite good at learning new things on my own, and I've been so busy previously, that I haven't had much time to put this meta-skill into use, but now that I do have some time, I find it not only in good working condition, but improved. 

Have you ever done the trick where you try jumping over a stack of books, with a heavy backpack on? you keep adding more and more books, until you can't jump any higher. Then you take the backpack off and easily clear what was before impossible. That's a little like how it feels now. Learning, focusing, practicing, feels almost easy, with all the time I have. It's challenging, but it's a good level of challenge, not a crushing one.

Makes me think I'll never get bored in retirement.

Learning how to learn: find good teachers. Keep a steady, regular habit of practice. Keep an open mind. Lean into challenge. 

The only essential one is the habit of consistent, diligent practice, but the others accelerate things. I highly recommend acquiring that habit.

I'll point anyone interested in that towards James Clear and the book Atomic Habits. He also has a free blog that has most if not all the good ideas contained in the book, in a less organized format. I really like his writing style. It's not the only place to go to learn how to make and keep good habits, but it's a really good one.

The garden is blooming outside and it's beautiful. I wonder if I can upload the videos I took to this blog post?

In any case, I hope you are well, dear friends and family. Thinking of you with warmth and prayers for your safety and health.

... I really need to switch to Wordpress, Google docs can't even upload my video...I don't think google cares that much about blogger any more, not getting much love from them, with fixing bugs etc...

In any case, here are the links to what I get to see when I'm sitting out back, enjoying the beauty of creation. (And the fruits of Suzannah's labors)

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