Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Random happenings

 I have a few more minutes, so maybe I can catch up on my posts. This will be more of a ‘current events’ one.

It’s raining. There was blood in the garage where our cats spend the night. Hopefully caught a mouse, worried they hurt each other. The big mean cats still occasionally bullying them. One of them has a grey patch. A while ago one of them crawled onto my shoulder while I was on the couch and started licking my head/hair, for a good 5 minutes. I allowed it, because it was really cute and odd, and Suzannah got a video of it, and then I took a shower.

Three-day weekend was much appreciated, my office is finally looking nice and feeling very functonal.

I’m starting to teach some more lessons, which is fun. Teaching the lessons is the fun part for me, the discipline is the part that I find challenging and exhausting. Probably true for the vast majority of teachers.

We have a badminton set but haven’t used it yet.

OK, time to go!


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