Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Snow day, Focus

 I am 3 posts behind, but this post will make it only 2 behind. I am currently, as I said I would do, focusing all my efforts on, well, focus. To be more specific, acquiring the habit of focus, prioritization, efficiency, and ease, for an over-all "get-it-done-ness" quality. And working on removing the negative habitual thought that is the flip side of the coin, "I don't have enough time." There's a bit of other stuff going on as well, but that is the brunt of it. 

Perhaps it is the extra emphasis on that which is pushing back some things, like these blog posts.

Several years ago, I got a bunch of advice, and one part of that advice was to practice a mental exercise to strengthen my focus muscle. I think this was very good intuitive advice, as strengthening that is improving my productivity and the quality of the work I'm doing as well. And I'd say improving my peace of mind as well.

To some degree, getting things done efficiently is about knowing what not to do, or what not to spend much time on, and focusing helps me determine what those things are, much quicker and more consistently. And perhaps most important, focusing helps me stay on task, which means things take much less time, because there aren't a bunch of mostly useless side tracks that I take on the way to completion.

This is still very much a work in progress, but it is a work that is happening, not just being theorized. That feels good. Also getting a snow day yesterday was awesome.

That's all I've got time for, for now. See ya!

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