Thursday, January 12, 2023

Cute cat videos, sweaty AI overlords, and poorly made websites.

OK, I'm finally all caught up with this one, it's for the last weekend, but I realized the previous one's I'd made hadn't finished posting, so in order to not interrupt the order of things, I'll schedule this one to publish after that, even though I've already written it.

 It is actually getting easier to share videos. But it's been a while since I've done so, and it's taken me over an hour of fiddling around to try and get what I want. Vertically filmed videos are apparently harder (impossible?) to handle for iMovie. And I switched mid-movie to horizontal, so I had to cut the video's into two sections. It's not terribly hard to do either of these things, once you know how, but, I did not know how, and could not figure it out on my own, and so had to search the internet for help. Which I did not get, surprisingly.

It used to be that if you had a problem, you'd just google it. But this time google's search results were crammed with irritating buggy advertisements on poorly made websites with unhelpful advice. I eventually figured out a work around from a video that didn't explain what I needed to know, but from which I could infer a potential solution because of something I saw on their screen.

So, know that I have paid for these cute cat videos, not only in blood and pain (cat tongues are surprisingly rough, to say nothing of the claws.) but time and the suffering associated with searching horribly designed, add-infested, poorly written and irrelevant websites for the answer to tech questions.

This reminds me of something very interesting that I just heard from a friend who writes for a technology magazine. They said that their job would probably be obsolete in a few years, as AI is already able to write passible articles (with a human editor, but human writers need to go through an editor as well, so that's no different) Granted, the AI did not actually test out the tablet or whatever it was writing a review for, it just read all the other reviews that had been written, and aggregated it or something. But apparently the magazine editor said it was plenty good enough to be published, with some editing.

That's... I've heard many times that AI was going to be replacing a lot of people's jobs in the not too distant future, but I think that story, coming from a friend I knew, really made it strike home. And we're then going to have a problem... if AI puts a huge number of people out of work, and we don't have other jobs for them, what happens? Or will there be a new set of jobs, where we are basically the underlings of our AI masters, sweating away in a sweltering, dark, humid room forever mopping their towering, hot metal carpaces with ice water to keep them at the appropriate temperature to do all the computations necessary to run the world?

It could get pretty dystopian pretty quick.

Kinda makes one want to get in early on the AI train so you can be an AI programmer rather than one of the moppers. Not really one of the jobs I'd been thinking about in my job search though.

Anyhoo, cat videos I promised and cat videos I hath delivered. Feast on the cuteness and be sated. These are unlisted, so the only way to find them is with these links. Feel free to share them if you'd like.

Part 1:

Part 2:

I wonder what would happen if I tried to get an AI to write one of my blog posts? Kinda curious...

-I Out

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