Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Life altering experiences, cliffhangers, funny cat videos

Alright, as of this writing I still have 4 posts to catch up on (It was two but then I got further behind) so we're going to have another session of writing that get's broken up into pre-schedualed posts through the coming week or two.

I haven't written anything new since I want to the spiritual retreat/program in mid December, and during that event I had a... realization? Revelation? I don't want to say "experience" because, though there certainly was a pretty awesome experience, the sensations and intensity of that died off pretty quickly, and even the extreme lucidity died down rather quickly after I got back home, but there was something about the experience that was one of those "once you see you cannot unsee" kind of things, perhaps a eureka moment, that felt like it fundamentally and rather profoundly changed the way I was able to approach things, and gave me a strong handle that allows me to access a fundamental aspect of the lucidity I got, any time I remember to use it. It's not the same as going into a spiritual high any time I want, but it is a way to be in radical integrity with my self, "to thine own self be true" kinda thing, despite fears and discomforts about how I might look to others, for example.

This is going to have to get it's own post, maybe two, so I'm sorry (but also kind of amused in the way authors are when they leave a chapter ending with a hook. But not leaving a book on a cliff-hanger, you won't have to wait that long. I'm occasionally mischievous, not cruel)

I also have a funny cat video (or two, depending if I have to split it up because of reorienting the phone) because it seems like lots of people are having rough times these days, and sometimes a funny cat video is worth more than a guided meditation, for creating joy in the world.

See ya next time, which should be in about two days, if everything goes as scheduled.

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