I have been very neglectful of my poor blog. There there blog, you're a good boy, I love you even if I don't see you that much. Thank you for being a faithful friend.
I'm three weeks behind because I thought I was two weeks behind, and actually was three weeks behind the last time. Just like I was the time before that. Apologies to all you (three) readers, for the sporadic schedule. I've been working hard on a lot of things, doing a lot of new things, and it sometimes seems like there is a limited number of little habits I can do at once, before some of them start to get pushed out of consciousness.
So, let's do three really quick blog posts. Actually, let's do 4, since the weekend is tomorrow.
OK, this counts as one. I vaguely recall setting the rule for myself that a blog post could be as short as one sentence, so this is clearly over that minimum limit. That's a good way to maintain a habit streak, but you have to actually follow your rule and allow yourself to do that small amount. I often can't seem to stop myself at that one sentence. A common tendency I have. Maybe I'll talk about it in one of these blog posts.
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